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10 posts
Building a Micetro API collection
Build a Micetro API colleciton in Postman
Postman and GET with Micetro API
Use the Micetro API to read (GET) information about your DNS, DHCP, and IPAM environment
Getting DNS records with Swagger
Use the Micetro API and Swagger to read (GET) information about DNS in your environment.
Postman authentication for Micetro
Understand how Postman authentication works with Micetro
Creating objects using Micetro API
Use the Micetro API and Swagger to create DNS, DHCP, and IPAM objects in your DDI environment automatically.
Building network templates
See how to make consistent networks using Micetro automation
Enhancing Microsoft with Micetro automation
See how using Micetro’s API makes it easier to automate your Microsoft DNS, DHCP, and iP environments
GitHub for Beginners with Micetro
Use the Micetro documentation to get started understanding how to use GitHub
Enhancing Microsoft Access Management
See how Micetro’s granular RBAC gives you better access management in your Microsoft environment
Building reports with Micetro automation
See how you can build reports in real-time using Micetro APIs.