How BlueCat’s Cutting-Edge DDI Solutions
Can Empower Your Network Security
Welcome! My name is Kenta Kondo, and I’m here to show you how BlueCat Edge’s advanced DDI solutions can protect your business against DNS security threats.
Schedule a meeting with me today to learn more about our expert services and take your network security to the next level.

Detect & Block DNS Attacks at the First Hop of Your Network
Deploy BlueCat Edge in network and cloud environments to keep attacks from entering or propagating within your network and implement Zero Trust DNS network security policies.
Secure Your Network with Cloud-Managed Service Points
Experience resilient and secure DNS with BlueCat Edge’s cloud-managed Service Points. These lightweight software solutions sit at the edge of your network and can be easily deployed or scaled as needed.
Improve Threat Visibility with Your Existing Security Tools
BlueCat Edge’s advanced DNS security solutions work seamlessly with popular tools such as Splunk and CrowdStrike. Integrate DNS queries, block lists, and threat data seamlessly with your existing security solutions.
With BlueCat’s advanced DDI solutions, you can strengthen your security while reducing operating costs.
Take action today and start building a safer, more efficient network that’s powerfully protected against cyber threats.
Book your FREE consultation call with me now.