Filtering DDI data using the RESTful v2 API BlueCat Integrity 9.5
Conduct advanced search via API by filtering DDI data or resource state based on time, DHCP scope utilization, and network names and ranges.
Bulk import DDI data with BlueCat Integrity 9.5
Users can quickly import IPv4 blocks, networks, ranges, addresses, and Mac addresses via CSV or JSON formats using the Import Entities via API.
RESTful API Swagger Docs BlueCat Integrity 9.5
Learn how you can use BlueCat’s interactive documentation of standard methods, based on the open API 3.0 schema, to test out API calls in the browser…
Health Monitoring – Feature of the Month
BlueCat Health Monitoring is a tool that provides greater visibility into the performance of your BDDS servers. Check out the video to learn more.
BlueCat Cloud Resolver Demo
BlueCat Cloud Resolver is the first cloud-native DNS resolver that provides immediate resolution to and across any private virtual network.
Integrity 9.4: User Defined Links
User Defined Links are now more accessible by adding GUI capabilities for the creation of the links.
DDI を理解するのは難しい場合があります。
聞きなれない専門用語や略語も多々あります。そのため、DNS 関連の用語をアルファベット順に並べました。これを押さえれば「NSD」と「NTP」を混同してしまうこともありません。