
Dive into our comprehensive library of DNS resources to learn more about our products, our customers and developments in our industry.

    Case study

    Case Study: U.S. Government Laboratory

    A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory complex approached BlueCat to centralize and automate their network to support collaboration among scientists…

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    Case study

    Case Study: Medical Technology Company

    Global medical technology company turns to BlueCat and significantly reduces their operating costs through the power of network automation.

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    Manageable Migrations II

    Changing DNS vendors is daunting…to say the least. Often, the risks associated with managing the migration can undermine even the strongest business case…

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    Making Gateway Work For You | Scheduling

    Session 3: Explore the integration between Gateway and Rundeck and learn how to automate scheduling reports and easily change and revert IP objects.

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    Product video

    Protecting Your Data Migration

    With BlueCat’s Intelligent DNS, you can protect against downtime by controlling the DNS resolution path.

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    Product video

    Reduce attack surfaces with DNS

    In this video, learn how to reduce your attack surface with BlueCat DNS Edge by setting client-level policies and locking down single-use devices.

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    Making Gateway Work For You | Bulk Importing

    Session 2: Optimize bulk importing with Gateway and learn how to write logic to resolve conflicts, address dependencies, and clean up data as it loads.

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    Product video

    Forensic investigation using DNS for faster incident response

    In this video, learn how BlueCat DNS Edge provides investigative insight and faster responses for security breaches and helps reduce attack surfaces.

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    Product video

    Reduce network complexity

    Eliminate the need for complicated forwarding rules and duplicate name records by controlling resolution pathways. DNS Edge finds the right pathway by…

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    Making Gateway Work For You | Getting Started

    Session 1: Learn to install Gateway from Docker, set it up, import our customizable workflow templates from GitHub, and put self-service within reach.

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    Harvesting DNS data for DNS security

      “So I’ve got a giant pile of DNS logs… How much is enough? Where do I start?” – Security Analysts everywhere If…

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    Case study

    Case Study: Swisslos

    The Customer Swisslos is one of two Swiss lottery companies. Based in Basel, it provides the German- and Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland (as well as…

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    DNS glossary

    Understanding DDI can be challenging.

    All that jargon. All those acronyms. It’s why we’ve written an A-Z of DNS-related terms. You’ll never mix up ‘NSD’ and ‘NTP’ at a dinner party again…

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