Network Security archives

Customer situation brief on SUNBURST/Solorigate

Learn more about the attack via the SolarWinds Orion platform and how BlueCat products use DNS to help protect customers against compromises like it.

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On the road to platform hardening, consider a STIG

Security Technical Implementation Guides standardize security configuration on networks, servers, and devices. BlueCat uses them and you can, too.

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BlueCat’s DDI Adaptive Plugins and Applications help IT teams better leverage ServiceNow, Ansible, Microsoft, and more

A growing suite of Adaptive Plugins and Applications will help automate existing BlueCat capabilities along with adjacent customer technologies.

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How DNS Edge Enables Cloud Innovation without Complication

The move to the cloud is fueling innovation, easing development and helping companies provide services to customers or enhance internal capabilities –…

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To better see the threats on your network, try DNS

DNS is a vector used in most cyber attacks. When it comes to DNS, BlueCat can enhance visibility, detection, and containment of threats to your network.

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Webinar: Threat Protection

BlueCat Solution Architect Steffen Probst discusses how intelligent security from BlueCat uses DNS to protect internal and external traffic against threats.

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eBook: DNS & Cybersecurity Compliance

At BlueCat, we know that DNS has a strong role to play in advancing both cybersecurity and compliance. But we also know that it’s not enough to simply say…

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eBook: DNS in the Cybersecurity Stack

Malicious actors exploit DNS every day to establish command and control, navigate through networks, and exfiltrate data. his eBook will show you how DNS can…

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Domain Generation Algorithms 101

Dissecting the malware technique that keeps threat hunters guessing. For cybersecurity professionals and threat hunters, it can feel like advanced…

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Assisted Upgrade

Making and completing an upgrade shouldn’t be a complex and difficult process. Organizations often spend significant time and resources facilitating…

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DNS government solutions from BlueCat

When it comes to DNS, government agencies and their evolving IT networks can struggle to keep up. So when you think DNS government solutions, think BlueCat.

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BlueCat enhances Adaptive DNS™ platform to help IT teams accelerate application deployments and stop advanced threats

Enhancements to BlueCat’s platform give businesses greater control, visibility, and agility by using DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (DDI).

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