DDI Directions:
DDI Strategies for the Multi-Cloud Era

Access EMA’s latest research and discover how to improve the design and management of DDI services. 


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DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (collectively known as DDI) are key to network connectivity and communications. But there are challenges, especially around technical expertise, multicloud architectures, and security. Ineffective approaches can lead to sluggish network operations, chronic downtime, security breaches, or worse.

Enterprise Management Associations surveyed 333 DDI experts about the state of their DDI strategies for security, cloud, automation, APIs and integrations — representing the most comprehensive market research on DDI technology in more than a decade.

Download the report for a summary of those findings, including: 

  • Benefits of successful implementations of DDI technology
  • The most critical requirements of DDI solutions.
  • Recommendations for DDI best practices.

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Modern network complexities can introduce security risks, operational risks, and create huge operational expense for your organization when not properly managed. Join our webinar on February 26 to learn how BlueCat helps you augment your Cisco implementations.