Make sense of hybrid cloud with Edge Resolver

Fast, simple, authoritative DNS resolution to and across on premises and multiple clouds.

Read the data sheet

See how Edge Resolver provides immediate resolution to and across all DNS environments.

Simple, authoritative resolution built to embrace hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud maturity usually isn’t a linear journey with a single provider or solution. Instead, usage fans out across multiple environments and providers to meet different requirements.

But the more disparate your hybrid cloud footprint becomes, the harder it gets to authoritatively resolve DNS queries—because there are multiple answers from different authorities.

Edge Resolver is a recursive hybrid cloud-aware DNS resolver. It discovers every DNS zone across your entire cloud footprint and automatically determines the optimum pathway for every query.

Increased reliability

Resolution you can count on for on-premises and cloud-native DNS, regardless of zone overlap

Simplified DNS resolution

One DNS resolution map for all zones to resolve to and across on-premises and multicloud

Hybrid cloud awareness

Make DNS elastic using automation to make agile routing changes the moment DNS data changes

Get the solution brief for Edge Resolver

See how Edge Resolver simplifies the hardest parts of on-premises and multicloud DNS-like zone discovery and conditional forwarding rule management.

Edge Resolver Features

Multi-environment discovery

Continuously discover DNS zones across on premises and cloud.

Continuous polling

Continuous zone discovery of all DNS data for hybrid cloud environments.

Direct resolution path

Know exactly where each DNS record resides for a direct path to resolution.

Adaptive cache

Reduce latency and improved network efficiency with enriched client context.

Seamless cloud integration

Integrated with BlueCat Integrity and DNS resolvers from AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Related products and solutions

Multicloud management

Discover and synchronize IP and DNS across hybrid and multicloud environments, and resolve across all DNS zones for every cloud type.

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BlueCat Edge builds on baseline unified DDI (DNS, DHCP & IPAM) services to help networks adapt to modern performance, security & cloud-readiness needs.

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Edge Resolver

Tame the complexity of cloud DNS by simplifying resolution to improve service delivery.

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