September Member Of The Month

We are pleased to introduce the inaugural “Member of the Month” where we recognize a standout Indeni Crowd member. The Indeni team could not be happier to acknowledge Patrik Jonsson as the very first member of the month! Day after day, Patrik has logged into Indeni Crowd to contribute invaluable commentary into the forum, challenges, and feedback channels. Take some time to scan the various topics and you will undoubtedly see Patrik’s name everywhere.
F5 is Patrik’s bread and butter. So much so that he has contributed much of the scripting content to help us proactively alert to the health of F5 devices. In between his full life in Stockholm as a new dad (congratulations!) and working full-time, he finds time to be very involved in making Indeni a stronger and smarter platform for our clients.
In being so involved in the Indeni Crowd, Patrik has had the opportunity to interact with skilled IT professionals from all over the globe. The biggest value he sees the Indeni Crowd is “…bouncing ideas with like-minded technical people is invaluable. You’ve got really skilled engineers from many fields there and most of them have knowledge in multiple areas.” For example, there was a question from another member (shout out to Gongya!) about hosting multiple services on the virtual server. Patrik loves questions like that because “open-ended questions with a touch of design always get me going!” Contribute your own engaging questions to the forum here!
Every engineer seems to have a long history of coding. Patrik’s first code was back in his school days and was entirely designed to tease his friends. He has always loved scripting, which is likely why he has found an engaging home with us at Indeni. When asked about his IT Heroes, he simply responded: “…my colleagues right now. They’re the best I’ve ever worked with.” That must be an impressive crowd if Patrik himself was the first proud recipient for an F5 award and earned a paid trip to the US.
Extending his trophy closet with networking awards is not Patrik’s mission for his IT career, but rather the continued search for knowledge. He was introduced to Indeni by his colleague, Jonathan Browall Nordstrom, who happens to be another Indeni Knowledge Expert (IKE) all-star. He was enticed by the concept of proactivity and learning a new scripting language, but found a home with Indeni after working closely with Yoni (Indeni’s CEO & Founder) and the entire Indeni team.
“I really enjoyed working with Yoni. He’s both super smart and a brilliant people person and I loved his mentoring during the early phase.” The other reason, Patrik says, is easy, “The people overall is amazing. Whoever is recruiting over there really deserves credit because I’ve really liked everyone I’ve met so far. The office must really be buzzing with energy!”
Patrik, it is not just one-sided! Yoni thoroughly enjoys working with you too, “Patrik is one of the smartest, most dedicated guys I know in our industry. Between his infinite knowledge of F5 and his meticulous approach to coding, he’s an invaluable member of our community.”
It doesn’t stop there, Liz Salemi, a Technical Manager for Knowledge at Indeni, mentioned the joys of working with Patrik as well, “Patrik is an IKE favorite of mine. His brain is filled with wit, smarts, truth, curiosity, and generosity. If you ask him, it’s quite the mess in there. If you ask me and the other folks here at Indeni, it’s a fine blend.”
When asked more fun questions, Patrik let his funny personality shine. For instance his favorite animal “Probably a cow. Especially grilled tenderloin”. Here are a few other funny responses:
Do you have a collection of anything?
If you ask me, no. If you ask my wife: Video games.
Best and worst quality?
Best: Coming up with ideas
Worst: I sometimes lack a filter between mouth and brain
What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Dire Straits – Money for nothing
What do you do in your spare time?
On my spare time, I do far too much computing stuff.
Personal Fun Fact
I once entered an AA meeting thinking that it was a meeting for people with an interest in Photography. Long story, buy me a beer and I might tell it. 🙂
Take the opportunity to introduce yourself to Patrik and our other Crowd Members today