Simplify Network Infrastructure Management

Indeni helps healthcare organizations, make a seamless transition to the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) with deep-level device inspection and the external correlation of data. With Indeni, IT teams can better support digital business initiatives knowing they have a more agile, resilient, and adaptable infrastructure. There are three key areas where Indeni helps healthcare companies.

  • Identify hard to find network device issues: Indeni logs into devices using SSH & API credentials with deeper level device insight than legacy SNMP-based monitoring tools. Depending on the device, Indeni is able to collect 10-100x more information than existing SNMP tools.
  • Control costs with predictive automation: Administrators spend less time manually updating and patching devices in response to factors impacting the IT environment. Tasks such as creating scripts or generating queries are completely automated with Indeni.
  • Reduce the impact of cybersecurity attacks: Indeni helps protect your investment by making sure your security appliances are always running effectively. Indeni alerts provide detailed descriptions, contextual information, and clear instructions on how to fix issues.

Healthcare Companies Save Time & Money with Indeni


Average Alerts Resolved Per Year


Average Man-Hours Saved Per Year


Average Downtime Hours Saved Per Year

Why Indeni for Healthcare?

A recent study from McKinsey & Company suggests that more than 75% people would like to use digital healthcare services, as long as those services provide the level of quality they expect. As the healthcare organizations go digital, there are several important things that are top of mind that Indeni helps with:

  • Higher value at lower costs: Access expertise on-demand, allowing IT professionals to be as dynamic as the technologies they use.
  • Managing increased data demands: A larger sample set of data provides customers with higher quality alerts and less noise.
  • Network security and compliance regulations: Get insight into many compliance-related checks that fall into HIPPA compliance, like admin access to network devices.
  • Maximum uptime in network devices: Stay ahead of device issues with learnings from healthcare industry peers to ensure maximum device uptime and low latency.

Learn More

Technical Overview
IT Buyer’s Guide to Infrastructure Management
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