Terraform BlueCat Provider

With the Terraform BlueCat Provider plugin, reduce time and costs spent on cloud environment changes by automating configuration management through code.

What is it?

The Terraform BlueCat Provider allows network teams to automate against a single source of truth when deploying to public and private cloud environments. Key resources such as networks, IP addresses, and DNS records can be created and updated near real-time to accelerate automation for large and distributed networks. Furthermore, when combined with Terraform’s monitoring and version control capabilities, enterprises can extend automation to ensure new and existing BlueCat environments are consistently maintained.

The challenge

To maintain organizational integrity and create new environments, network teams need an automated way to assemble or reassemble their networks quickly. Without a way to safely and predictably monitor, create, change, and improve infrastructure, network remediation and deployment issues increase. That means unwanted network changes take longer to revert, cloud adoption slows, or testing new technologies becomes more error-prone.

Simple coding

Easily apply iterative context to your code.

Faster builds

Change environments without a hard rewrite.

Always-on monitoring

Keep environments clean and versioned.


  • BlueCat configuration: Define names and properties in BlueCat Address Manager
  • Create and update: Blocks, networks, DHCP ranges, IP associations/addresses, generic, host, PTR, text, and CNAME records

View Guide

BlueCat acquires Men&Mice and Indeni to add important capabilities in DDI orchestration and network infrastructure resiliency to improve visibility and management of networks.Learn more