Indeni 6.5.3 is now generally available

We know you rely on Indeni to notify you of important events relating to your infrastructure. Today, we have added a few enhancements to help you get on top of these events. Head over to your Custom Report page and create a new report. You’ll see a new widget Custom Line Chart in the widget bank. You can include any graphs in your report.

Use the Custom Report tab to build a report with graphs of your historical data. This is similar to the Analysis tab. Go ahead and save these graphs for your colleagues. Or schedule these graphs to be sent regularly. Feel free to move widgets around or size them whichever way you want.

You can even mix and match different widgets in your report. For example, you have identified a number of high risk devices. You want to generate a daily report identifying the issues detected, together with the historical data about the CPU and disk usage.

For more information about the new graphs and custom report enhancements, please refer to Indeni 6.0 User Guide – Custom Reports.
We understand that receiving email notifications is important. If for some reasons your colleagues are not receiving the daily report or issue notification, head over to the Integrations tab, select SMTP, try to send “test email”, to make sure that you have configured the email server correctly.

One more enhancement about licensing… If you have Check Point Virtual Systems in your environment, you are probably wondering how many virtual firewalls Indeni is managing from a licensing perspective, head over to the About page, select DEVICES INFO to get more information about your virtual systems.

As always, if you have questions or comments, we’re here to help.