BlueCat Welcomes JISA Delegates to Toronto HQ

Whether it’s translating domain names to IP addresses, or translating English to Japanese, there is never a dull moment at BlueCat.

Whether it’s translating domain names to IP addresses, or translating English to Japanese, there is never a dull moment at BlueCat. Ever since we landed our first Japanese client, Toyota, Japan holds a special place in our hearts.

Last week, in conjunction with the Canadian Embassy, we extended a warm welcome, or shall we say a warm yōkoso, to a group of JISA delegates who made the trip from Japan to our Toronto head office. JISA, the Japan Information Technology Service Industry Association, is a business network of over 600 members that promotes development and growth in the IT industry, both within Japan and overseas.JISA

CEO Michael Harris gave our visitors a presentation outlining our mission, our goals and our approach to understanding and interpreting DNS traffic. With Japan as one of our most important markets, it was a great opportunity to connect with JISA members in person to discuss inevitable transitions to software-based cloud systems, advantages of automation, cyber threats, and our growing Japanese footprint.

While our respective markets may operate differently, fundamentals remain the same. Michael shared the story of acquiring our first customer and getting a toehold in the Japanese market, after which, many wins followed. No matter where you’re located, leveraging the power of DNS to improve efficiency, centralize your operations, and increase your network visibility is always a good thing. After all, what would you choose: 300 manual changes per day or 100,000 automatic changes per hour?

JISA taught us that “firewall”, “cyber security” and “automation” are just a few words that are the same in both English and Japanese; however, those aren’t the only things that transcended our language barrier. Our guests also taught us that the more we expand our horizons, the more we realize we’re all speaking the same language, no matter where we’re from. (And a traditional gift exchange never hurts.)

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Anna is a passionate content writer who’s always eager to learn something new about cyber security.

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