Ready to dive into the cloud?

Getting into the cloud is like getting into a swimming pool. Some people are toe-dippers. Some wade, others dive in headfirst.

And many just belly flop.

Looking to dive into the cloud?

Find out how you can avoid a cloud belly flop when doing so.

Download the eBook

The reality: Most cloud migrations are chaotic. Sometimes it’s a technology issue. Sometimes it’s about organizational culture. Sometimes it’s about resource fit. In the end, most CIOs simply aren’t in a position to execute a cloud program in the “right” way.

The best any CIO can do is have the technology, resources, and people in place to deal with any eventuality.

In this eBook, we’ll look at a few areas where strategic perspective and a little planning will pay dividends down the road. We give provide some strategic and tactical ideas to get your cloud migration of on the right foot.

Download the eBook to learn:

  • How to maintain visibility into cloud assets and infrastructure without slowing down innovation
  • How to exercise control over cloud infrastructure without getting in the way of DevOps or cloud teams
  • How to secure complex cloud infrastructures from the ground up
  • How to manage the human resources aspect of a cloud migration


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BlueCat has acquired LiveAction

It’s official! BlueCat has acquired LiveAction’s network observability and intelligence platform, which helps large enterprises optimize the performance, resiliency, and security of their networks.